We established the publishing company, nprnt press, in 2012. While our operations are humble and unpretentious, we have a strong international distribution network and a passionate desire to encourage the growth of the literary, as well as the visual arts; we are also deeply committed to aiding the call for social justice in the world.
Social justice, for us, also means protecting the environment and as a company we realize that the publishing business can inadvertently contribute to the pollution problems we are all facing today. With that in mind, we try to limit our carbon footprint by using a print on demand model for our book production thereby eliminating any waste or excess inventory; as well, all our printing is done using sustainable forest practices—plus, all published works have an ebook edition to limit our print production. It is imperative that business contribute to the solution of our environmental crisis and we pledge to do our part by always respecting our environment as we respond to the rallying cry:
(Save Our Planet)
We encourage all people to be a part of the solution in this, the greatest challenge facing humankind today. Together we can do it!